Selecting the correct web hosting company is very important to your business especially if your website is vital to your business, because they basically hold all the cards in regards to your online business. You need a company that’s reliable, has fast connections and has good customer support. Many Host servers are not located in Australia. When selecting a hosting company they should have 24hr support line and should have near perfect uptime on their current sites. Your website needs to available 24 hours 7 days a week. A hosting company should be able to give reliable hosting packages with numerous email address e.g.
If you are a new business or just getting online selecting your domain name is very important. If your business name is already taken you should look for one which is meaningful and easy to remember. It should relate to your business either including some form of your business name, product or service. You should even consider finding out which domains are available before you decide on the name of your business if you are just starting out. Selecting a good domain name will also have impact on search engine optimisation.
If find a domain you are happy with you may consider purchasing additional extensions such as .com, .org and .net. You may also consider buying abbreviations of you businesses name. You can even buy a domain without hosting it and find a reliable company to host your website.
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