Twitter as a marketing tool

Twitter first launched in 2006 and its popularity has grown year on year ever since. Twitter’s audience now is in excess of 140 million. It seems that people just love to tweet those 140 characters!

Twitter seems to be popular as it breaks down social barriers, messages and information can be communicated instantly. With politicians through to pop stars tweeting there latest information. Sometimes even news channels and journalists will get there breaking news from there! Companies will tweet new ideas and feedback from followers encouraging interaction. Twitter allows small business through to multinational organisations to build their brand, promote goods and services, generate leads, interact with current customers and even drive traffic to their sites.

You can even gain more followers by just following other people research has shown, so don’t just sit there waiting for people to follow you. Get following! Make your tweets interesting engage with customers and similar businesses.

A high percentage of twitters use their mobile and smart phones to view and post there tweets meaning they are always accessible. Is your business using twitter a marketing tool? If not think about that audience out there you could tap into and grow your business with Twitter marketing!

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